Who are we?

AL Model management is a boutique agency based in Tallinn, Estonia. The agency was founded by Anna Krutinina and Ljudmilla Jefimova, professional models both with more than a decade of excessive experience working worldwide in the fashion industry.

We focus ourselves on scouting truly unique faces and developing afterwards their career step by step with the help of the best model agencies around the world.

Our aim is to provide personal approach to managing career of every single model we take care of.

Do you want to become a Model?

If you are between the age of 14 and 23 and you are at least 1.73, please send your photos and personal details to our e-mail address.

Professional photos are not necessary; a Polaroid, snapshot or digital picture is fine.

Include at least one close-up of your face and one full length shot.

You will be contacted within 2 weeks if there is any interest.


Kes me oleme?

AL Model management on Tallinnas asuv butiikagentuur, mille asutasid Anna Kurkova-Krutinina ja Ljudmilla Jefimova, professionaalsed modellid, kellel mõlemal üle kümne aastane ülemaailmset moevaldkonnas töötamise kogemust.

Keskendume ainulaadsete nägude leidmisele ja seejärel samm-sammult nende karjääri arendamisele maailma parimate modelliagentuuride abiga.

Meie eesmärk on pakkuda igale modellile personaalset tuge ja suunamist nende teekonnal modellina. 

Kas sa tahad saada modelliks?

Kui oled 14-23-aastane ja vähemalt 1.73 m pikkune , ootame su fotosid ja isikuandmeid meie e-posti aadressile: info@almodelmanagement.com.

Professionaalsed fotod pole vajalikud – sobivad nii polaroidid või endast tehtud foto.

Hea oleks piltide seast leida üks lähivõte näost ja üks täispikkuses foto.

Huvi korral võtame ühendust 2 nädala jooksul.